Thursday, April 1, 2010

How To Know Soil Texture on field?

Soil is composed of grains of soil in various sizes. Parts of the soil particles larger than 2 mm is called coarse soil materials such as gravel, pebbles to stone. Part-sized soil particles less than 2 mm is called the land of fine materials. Delicate land is divided into:
(1) sand, the soil grain size between 0.050 mm to 2 mm.
(2) dust, ie the size of soil particles between 0.002 mm to 0.050 mm.
(3) clay, ie the size of soil particles less than 0.002 mm.

According Hardjowigeno (1992) soil texture showed smooth rough ground. Soil texture is the ratio between the grains of sand, silt and clay. Soil texture textures are grouped into 12 classes. The twelve texture classes were differentiated based on the percentage content of sand, silt and clay.

Soil texture in the field can be distinguished from the manual way is to massage the wet soil between the thumb with your index finger, as she felt fine sense of the presence of roughly covering the grains of sand, silt and clay, in the following manner:
(1) if the rough was very clear sense, not inherent, and can not be formed and the ball rolls, the land is classified as textured sands.
(2) if the rough was a clear sense, very little is attached, and can be formed once the ball but the easily destroyed, the land is classified as textured argillaceous sands.
(3) if the sense of rough rather obvious, somewhat inherent, and can be made a ball but the easily destroyed, the land is classified as textured clay Sand.
(4) if it is not rough and not slippery, a little stick, a ball can be formed rather fast, and can be made little rolls with a shiny surface, it is classified as textured clay soil.
(5) if feels slippery, a little stick, a ball can be formed rather fast, and rolls of shiny surfaces, then the land is classified as textured clay Dusty.
(6) if it feels slippery, somewhat attached, can be shaped ball firmly, and can be rolled up with a shiny surface, then the land is classified as textured Dust.
(7) if feels a little slippery, a little stick, a ball can be formed rather fast, and can be formed rather easily rolls were destroyed, the land is classified as textured clay Berliat.
(8) if the part was smooth with a little bit rough, a little stick, a ball can be formed rather fast, and can be shaped rolls easily destroyed, the land is classified as clay-textured sandy clay.
(9) if feels fine, feels a bit slippery, inherent, and can be shaped ball firmly, and can be shaped rolls of shiny surfaces, then the land is classified as textured clay Clay Dusty.
(10) when the smooth, heavy but a little rough, stick, ball can be formed fast, and easy to make rolls, then the land is classified as sandy clay texture.
(11) when the smooth, heavy, a bit slippery, very tacky, a ball can be formed fast, and easy to make rolls, then the land is classified as textured Liat Dusty.
(12) if feels heavy and smooth, very tacky, can be shaped ball well, and easy to make rolls, then categorized textured clay soil.

Relationships with Soil Texture and Water Holding Power Nutrient Availability
Clayey soils have a larger surface area yasng so the ability to hold water and provide nutrients high. Fine soils is more active in chemical reactions than coarse-textured soil. Sandy soils have a smaller surface area so it is difficult to absorb (keep) water and nutrients.

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